QUELQUES CHIOTS NES A L'ELEVAGE Cheyenne pony Cobalt Cobalt et Cheyene pony Cochise vaughan williams vally white coffee Chocolate brownie Colt Canja Creek point Cedille et Crunch Calcio et Canelle red point Croylee Best in schow Vals Valauris Butterfly Very red chocolate Appalaches Black beauty Clair red moon Chance Cherokee V'cheyenne Cookie blue girl Canyon red chocolate chiots portée Reglisse Creek point Cisko et Cayenne Visaya Vitalia Daisy Drack Discovery song Duncan Diablo Doha Dax Boogie et doha Dire straits Dallas country Dakota,Disign,Dubai eiffel blue lagon emir black diamond every day ezia elite dream team eos copper blue el paso eclair blue storm ethan eldorado blue point Enora et Enzo red boy Echo red chocolate Eliott Eidi Enjie Eko Elton Elouan Eden Esope Em' biscotte Epsilon Erawan blue Enjoy Exotic red piment Even no fear Easy love East black bird Ebène pastore faust red dark Filou Fidji red dark Floyd dark 'n famous Folly bergère Fast yago Faro Fantomas Fidji sou Florida keys Fanipalla chocolate dark Flanelle red Finka Falon Fauve in love Furious Fluffy'n fever Follow me Florentin red point Funky Fusain Fleetwood forest Feroe island Griotte Gospel blue firelight Grandes ojios del angel Gold magestic river Geuth Goran Ghost on the wind Gess lady blue Grenade red chocolate Garmine folly Good night Gold smith for me Great happyness Green mountain Hyris Hambel black moon Hasia Haloa the island blue Heart of pirate Honey Helios blue sky Helium blue storm